Get in Touch with Literacy

Transferred from former blog MsKallDay

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I had the pleasure of presenting today to the North Coast Council, a consortium of greater Cleveland-ish school librarians.  This is a great group of dedicated professionals who are the unsung heroes who hold schools together and help prepare youth and teachers for the 21st Century.

Anyway, I was asked to present about resources to support early literacy.  With the 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee looming, many educators are looking for additional supports.   My presentation,
 Get in Touch With Literacy: Cheap & Pre-Paid Apps toward 3rd Grade Reading,
highlighted resources available from Cuyahoga County Public Library such as downloadables, TumbleBooks and Bookflix, but also highlighted app games and interactive books.

One of the points I emphasized was the impact possible when interactive books are “considerate texts” meaning that the interactivity, the child’s interaction, drives the story and strengthens the child’s comprehension and interest.  A good example would the be how Grover engages with readers of There’s A Monster at the End of this App, each desperate plea he makes for readers not to turn the page, or to remove barriers has exactly the opposite effect on readers. 

Future Facing Facilities

Transferred from former blog MsKallDay

I was recently asked to present about the path CCPL took to be a contender for the IMLS Medal at the Take 5 Conference.  Such a broad topic and long and detailed story was tricky to sum into a few brief minutes, and the scope is barely touched with the slides from the presentation, How to Be Awesome Like Us. (yes, it’s seriously called that)
One of the topics I touched on was the idea of Future Facing Facilities. In June of 2010, the Cuyahoga County Public Library Board voted to adopt the Facilities Master Plan, the “most significant building improvement program in the Library’s history”.  You can read all about the details of the plan and even see preliminary drawings for upcoming projects and images from completed projects at the link above.  The main goals of the Facilities Master Plan are:

  • To ensure the Library’s financial stability into the future and to reduce operating costs through efficient building design.
  • To create centers of excellence.
  • To establish equity of service throughout the Library system.

Before I go on, I should add that the opinions expressed here on out are my own and not necessarily those of my employer.
There are many awesome, flashy things in the new buildings, such as an audio recording booth at Warrensville, a video recording studio at Garfield, gaming stations in youth areas, digital signage, etc.., etc..

These things are all fabulous.  Of course, I’m a little bit biased since I had a hand in them, ahem.  But, what I think is the crucial piece of the concept of forward facing design is  recognizing the spirit of current human behavior, rather than accommodating any particular current behavior.  So, yes, currently, customer demand for pc use is extremely high, so yes, we’ll put in a whole bunch of pcs, but that is an example of being responsive to current need.  An anticipatory piece of that, however, is putting gigabit connections into new buildings so that we’re ready for the next jump in digital streaming.

Recognizing that people are always going to want places to physically congregate and that need is probably going to be much higher than their need for physical stuff to borrow from the library after the digital revolution is an example of future facing design. 

So, instead of maintaining the old school library design that celebrated materials in tall, intimidating shelves that dominated the public floor.  Physical collections are wrapped around and intwined into social spaces.  Instead of building a space that’s perfect for books, future facing facilities designers build spaces that are perfect for people. 

This is only one example of many, and I’d love to hear your thoughts about what customer needs will be important in the future how libraries can anticipate them in physical spaces.

Contact me via @MsKAllDay

I’m Back!

transferred from former blog MsKallDay

Friday, May 17th 2013

So, around the beginning of this year, my website up and quit letting me post new entries to my blog.  Clearly it’s taken me a while to resolve, and I’m still not entirely sure what happened, but I’m pretty sure that adding 4GB of memory was the solution.  In any case, we’re now back up and running, and with a lightning fast laptop, I should be pinging into your feed enough to be possibly be annoying.  enjoy!

21st Century Learning & Play

Transferred from former blog MsKallDay

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What a warm welcome Jennifer and I received at the Toy Library Association’s Play Conference.  Only a few years ago we would have been run out on a rail for recommending technology for early learners.  How times change!  Thank you for joining us for our presentation.  Below, you’ll find the slides, and a list of the apps featured with instructions for accessing Children’s Technology Review through the Mas Ultra database, available to you free through Cuyahoga County Public Library or a library near you. 

App List

Catch me at PLA 2012

Copied from former blog MsKallDay

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Heading to Philadelphia in March for PLA2012?  I’ll be presenting Thursday, March 15th from 4:15-5:15pm.  Learn how to use robotics in a library setting to help students build STEM and literacy skills, and have a lot of fun while doing it.

Robot Adventure Camps

copied from former blog MsKallDay

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Putting the finishing touches tonight on the 3 new robotix camp curriculums I’ll be teaching staff tomorrow.

In Wimpy Robot camp, based on Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney, students have 4 days to program their Mindstorm robots to avoid the cheese touch, create a “hall of screams”, and learn to lift weights.

For the tweens, we’ve got Camp HalfBot based on the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan, and for teens, it’s MockingBot Camp, where the robots go into the arena.  May the odds be ever in their favor…

SmashCon11: The Final Brawl

Copied from former Blog MsKAllDay

Friday, November 18, 2011

On National Gaming Day, Nov 12, 2011, 34 Branch Champions from throughout Cuyahoga County met to battle for first place in Cuyahoga County Public Library’s first ever system-wide gaming tournament. Want to get teen guys and their dads in the library?  This is the way to do it! 

Parents, Grandparents, friends and entourages cheered on the champions. Crammed into the North Olmsted branch auditorium with the crowds were 4 playoff stations, and a main stage practice/ free play area.